PLO Poker Coaching

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Poker Math Made Easy: A step-by-step guide

Poker math is a foundational element of poker as it gives you the tools to make +EV decisions. In this section, we'll define the most common types of poker math used in the game, allowing you to make informed choices at the poker table. However, we'll also explore the limitations of these simplified theories and discuss the necessary adjustments to bridge the gap between theory and reality.

Pot Odds

Understanding pot odds is crucial to assessing the profitability of a call. Pot odds represent the equity needed to break-even on a call. Calculate pot odds using the formula:

Pot Odds = Amount to call / Pot size after call

For example, let's say the pot is $20 on the turn, and Hero faces a $10 bet. The amount to call is $10, and the pot size after the call would be $40 (original pot + villain's bet + Hero's call). Therefore, the required equity is:

Required equity = $10 / $40 = 25%

Mastering pot odds enables you to determine whether calling a bet is a profitable decision based on your hand's equity.


Alpha is a key concept for successful bluffing. It represents the frequency at which your bluff needs to succeed to break-even. The alpha calculation is as follows:

Alpha = Risk / (Risk + Reward)

For instance, if the pot is $20, and Hero bets $10 on the river to try and steal the pot, Hero is risking $10 to win $30 (bet + pot when not called). Therefore, the alpha is:

Alpha = $10 / $30 = 33%

This means that Hero's bluff needs to work at least 1/3 of the time to be profitable.

Minimum Defense Frequency (MDF)

MDF is a critical concept in defending against opponents' bluffs. It denotes the percentage of your range (how wide you should call) to avoid being exploited. MDF is calculated as:

MDF = 1 - Alpha or

1 / (1 + Bet as % of the pot)

For example, if the pot is $20 and Hero faces a $10 bet on the river we previously calculated the alpha as 33%, so the MDF is:

MDF = 1 - 33% = 67%

Alternatively, MDF can be calculated as 1 / (1 + 50%) = 67%.

Understanding MDF allows you to make well-balanced calling decisions, preventing your opponents from taking advantage of you with excessive bluffs.

Reality vs. Theory

While the simplified poker math concepts discussed earlier provide valuable insights, it's essential to recognize the nuances and deviations that arise in real-world poker scenarios.

Pot Odds

Equity Realization:

In reality, pot odds assume that after a decision point on the current street, the pot will be checked down, and you will realize your equity. However, this oversimplification neglects future betting rounds. Calling a marginal hand solely based on having enough equity may lead to unfavorable outcomes. As the hand progresses, future bets may force you to fold before reaching showdown, thus not realizing the equity you had on earlier streets. To make more accurate decisions, it's crucial to calculate Expected Value (EV) for a given situation, which takes into account potential future actions. We'll explore EV calculations in detail in future articles to enhance your decision-making process.

Implied (or Reverse Implied) Odds:

In real poker games, pot odds do not fully consider future betting actions. While a call may lack immediate equity to justify winning the current pot, it might possess strong implied odds if you hit a deceptive draw and can extract a large future bet from your opponent. Understanding and incorporating implied odds into your decision-making process can significantly impact your overall profitability, especially in situations where future value is more substantial than the immediate pot size.

Minimum Defense Frequency

Range Advantage:

MDF is a valuable tool to protect against opponent bluffs, but there are scenarios where it may not accurately represent the optimal defense strategy. For instance, in certain situations, you may find yourself as a severe equity underdog against your opponent's range, making adherence to MDF unwise. A classic example is calling a 3-bet preflop and encountering an A72 rainbow flop without holding an ace. Given our opponent’s 3-betting range there there are few hands that we will be ahead of and can therefore overfold compared to MDF.

Opponent Tendencies:

MDF calculations assume opponents bluff the correct amount based on their bet size. However, real opponents often deviate from balanced bluffing frequencies, skewing their bluff-to-value ratios. To optimize your defense strategy, be attentive to your opponents' tendencies and adjust your calling ranges accordingly.


Bluffing with Equity:

Alpha calculations usually assume 0% equity when bluffing, but in reality, situations may arise where you have some equity even when called. To accurately determine your success rate, especially in multi-street bluffs, consider the complexity of having some equity when planning your bluffs.

Multi-street Bluffs:

Certain hands may lack fold equity on the flop but have a high chance of success by the turn or river. For example, betting a monotone flop with the A of that suit and triple-barreling may discourage calls on the river, even if sets called on previous streets hoping for a board pair. Evaluating multi-street bluffing scenarios requires a deeper understanding of potential future developments in the hand.


By acknowledging the distinctions between poker theory and real-world poker, you can refine your decision-making process, making more accurate judgments at the poker table. Understanding the impact of equity realization, implied odds, range advantage, opponent tendencies, and bluffing with equity on basic poker math empowers you to elevate your game to the next level. Stay tuned for future articles that will delve into Expected Value (EV) calculations and further enhance your poker math expertise.

If you want to learn more and elevate your game, visit PLO Poker Coaching to schedule your free consultation.